Monday, December 13, 2010

My Christmas cards. I started with the iris folded pine tree, then went to and got some more stlyes.

 They were fun to make, but I am really late sending out my cards this year!
   Chuck and I are going to Estaire for Xmas eve - weather permitting of course - to visit our Elizabeth-AM friends.
 They always have Yulaften - a Swedish Christmas that involves drinking small glasses of really strong liquor really fast while singing a song of good cheer. I hope the weather co-operates!! The dinner is very tasty too.       This winter has started off with a bang - high winds and inches of snow already. So much for the predicted mild winter - LOL!!! Well off to wrap gifts - a good day to stay home. Merry Christmas to all!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Xmas Wreath

This is an Iris folding card we were taught at our Quilt Guild meeting. It is easy and fun, and replaces paper piecing in fabric. That makes it greener.
The snowman is my table runner from last year with paper pieced figure. I won the block of the month, but this particular snow man is the one I did. Isn't he cute?

Here is the new wreath the "girls" made at Marg's. I a m happy the way it turned out - perfect for a house with a quilter in it. It is made on a cardboard frame with many many prairie points sewn in a circle and then glued to the frame. Then yarn is laid over the frame - it was supposed to be black, but I had white, and it kind of looks like snow now.