Friday, March 25, 2011

New day

It's a new day for Linda - I got the job in  Mindemoya today! I will be appliqueing onto backpacks, starting Tuesday next. It is very exciting starting a new path at this late date. Gives me a boost.  But I will still be sewing for Unique Treasures as well.  Should be a very busy summer! Hope I can keep up with myself -LOL. Nighty night. L

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The finished Sachiko pillow. It has hand embroidered sections and the fabric I was brought from Japan. It is particularly nostalgic since the horror in Japan now.

I sold my Laurel Birch purse and sent the $ to Japan Red Cross fund.

A closer detail of the stitching. It uses a pattern to get the stitches even. I enjoyed doing it in the evenings. That is when i don't fall asleep.

Tomorrow is special day - I am going to a job interview for the first time in 40 years! It will be very interesting. Working on a professional satin stitch machine. hope I don't make to many mistakes!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Chuck and I were treated by our good friends to dinner ( we had taken care of their aging cat for two weeks while they were in Florida) and a concert of the most wonderful Celtic singers  doing Irish music in Mindemoya last Friday. The church of St. Francis of Assisi was packed with extra chairs placed in the isles. We were allowed to sing along, and the priest was included in the fun. He came out in his green surplus as St. Patrick chasing the snakes out of Ireland! What good music and joyful singing. He said he wished every Sunday was this busy.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

 Happy spring everyone!
At last the winter is loosening it's grip on the north.
Here is a pretty spring-like Yo-Yo pillow to brighten up the day. It has 36 yo-yo's on the front, and four charm squares on the back. The base is muslin, and it is stuffed with batting first, then fiber fill in the middle.

The back of same, with the 4 charm squares and the yo-yos coming around the edge.

Friday, March 11, 2011

What lousy weather! Snow blowing sideways and piling up on the deck. And our snow blower died the other day!
Luckily we have a guy in the subdivision who loves to blow snow ( for a fee) and he will help us out today.
We have to visit Sable - our neighbors' cat that we are taking care of while they vacation and take in doctor's appts. on the way back from Florida. It seems we have it worse on the Island as Bobby in Elliot Lake is just reporting some light snow.
But it is still better than Japan has received today isn't it? poor people!  Hasn't the weather been horrible lately for so many countries? We are very lucky to live here in Canada.
 My friend that was coming for a visit has canceled for this week - smart girl! So I will get back to my sewing. I have finished the binding on the latest charity quilt. I did a turn over (as instructed) and used a decorative stitch on the edge. It looks good, and will be stronger with the extra thread.

Well have a good day, and keep warm inside! L

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Isn't this the cutest thing? There were two raccoons entwined in our tree the other day trying to keep warm. When we went to bed they were still up there huddled together, but by morning they had gone.
Since we started recycling we have not had much trouble with them getting into our garbage. I am so glad our community can recycle now!

I am working on a Sashiko pillow in navy and light blue-gray. I just have to get (or make) some piping for the edge and buy a pillow form for it.
We were going to Sudbury yesterday, but postponed it until Monday because of the weather.
So my pillow will have to wait . The fabric was brought to me by a friend when she traveled to Japan last fall.
What lousy weather today.
Another friend was coming up from down south, but had to cancel also. March is the cruelest month!
But after comes spring! Yay. My favourite time of year.
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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Harry's bed and Casserole Carrier

Just had to show you this cute picture of Harry. I bought a new bed and none of the four cats we have slept in it (they thought it was a snake!) until I put it on the dining room table! We rarely eat there, so it isn't much of a problem. And it is soooooo cute to see him curled up in it. Of course the biggest cat has to fit in the smallest bed - go figure!LOL.

And I almost finished my new project for our little store - a casserole carrier. I just have to buy snaps and attach them in the appropriate places and it will be ready to go. The fabric looks a little dark, but I wanted it to be strong, so I chose upholstery fabric and muslin.

The carrier open. When it is finished the white pieces will wrap over the dish and snap in place.
This was taken in my sewing room (AKA bedroom).

Wednesday, March 2, 2011