Saturday, November 26, 2011

Lone Star Quilt

I have decided to list my Lone Star quilt on Kijiji. Here is the picture I posted:
 I hope it sells. I am asking only $400.00 - much less than it would go for down south.
It is hand quilted and fits a queen sized bed.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I have just finished this cute snowman that I won last Guild meeting. He turned out really cute - at least I think so. It is a panel that I machine quilted and pinked around the edge - very easy.
It will be for sale at Unique Treasures for a few weeks. We are open until Dec.16, then closed for the winter.It has been a good year with many of my articles sold. Sometimes you think they will never sell, but then someone  comes in and finds something they like. Like my Yo Yo

pillows. I have made and sold two of them - go figure! It is interesting to see folks chose what they do. We are thinking of opening again next year - at least until the building is sold. It has been very kind of Kathleen to allow us to use her facility so far.
So have a good day!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hi all,
Sorry I have been away so long! Bet you missed me -LOL:)
   We are winding down the Unique Treasures store this week and have been very busy making Christmas articles to sell. We have had a good summer, but it is a little slow at this time of year.
The tourists are gone, and hunters don't usually buy place mats.
   I am also singing in our local choir - The Manitoulin Chorister- a small group of SAB that Marilyn has formed to sing at our churches for Christmas, and maybe at the  Kiwanis festival in Sudbury next April/May. It is wonderful to be singing in a group again. I was in my church choir for 10 years way back in the day in  Burlington, and I have missed it. Hope the old voice holds up!!
    The garden is almost done and I cut back my roses yesterday and mounded them up with soil for the long sleep in the cold. It was beautiful yesterday, so I took advantage of it to be outside. The cats (all 3) were running around gleefully. I can't take pictures because I left my camera in Wanup the last time we met for the Elizabeth-Am lunch. I miss it very much. You get so used to being able to go take a picture and put it on the computer. What convenience!
    Well that's all folks for now. Hope I will be able to show you something soon. The camera is coming back next week!!! Hurray!
    Have a good day! Linda

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!Hope your w/e is filled with grateful thoughts and good food!
I am looking forward to my turkey with all the fixin's too.
Had a good day at the store yesterday. Lots of tourists in on their fall ride around the country. And also the" close the cottage" crowd. There are some very nice people who come in and see what we have to offer.
 Airing out the quilts for the winter. So cozy to get warm under a quilt. One of my favourite things.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Hi again,
Here is another Cotswold Cottage tea cozy I made for Alison - my neighbour. She found the original too big. And she was right!
It sits beside a new project -Chemo caps. I am making them for Unique Treasures, as someone had asked for them. I wish I could make them to give away, but necessity rules us all. I will charge as little as I can - I think 3/$10 sounds right. Do you agree? These have no seam inside that could irritate sensitive heads; and are made from softest knit cotton polyester.

Here is another re- purposed denim bag I made for the store. The embroidery goes up both sides of the handles. And it has a special pottery button. It was too big to actually use, so I used Velcro to close the bag, and then sewed the button on top. I seem to be obsessed with denim right now. Don't worry, I will recover soon -:))))

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Good morning all.
I just became a follower of The Intrepid Thread. It is a very interesting site with lovely art work using fun fabrics. Love the girly artwork she sent to Jackie's Art Quilts.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Cotswold Country Tea Cozy

First I have to tell you about my very good luck last week! I went to the  Current's Quilts and Stitchery quilt show last w/e and won the door prize! It was a flower plant pot full of wonderful sewing things! In it was this pattern for a Cotswold Cottage tea cozy. I showed it to a neighbour, and she immediately ordered one for herself! Apparently it was the same as her Mom's in England, and brought back fond memories. So I got right to it making one for her. Here is the result. This is the front with the flower vine beside the door.

And here is the back door, with the cat waiting to get in ( made it like her Odin) and some stylized trees. It also has a removable inner cozy that can be taken out separately for washing. And lace curtains of course!
The pattern also came with a table runner of Cotswold fields and sheep. Will have to do that one later. It requires fabric I don't have right now, so will be on the hunt
Have a good day - it is so beautiful right now - the heat has finally let up some.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I am sooooooooooo happy! I have finally made the perfect denim bag!! (For me anyway.) It is from one of those  " Onsies" shorts I got at the rummage sale last year. The pockets in the front form the outside, and I made long handles to wear it over my shoulder ( around the neck). It has a cat button- of course- so I will know where my measuring tape is.Below is the inside.
The beautiful wooden button is hand made- I bought it at Sharon's.

I had some lovely Laurel Birch fish fabric left over from a project that went down the river, so I heavy interfaced it and used it as lining. And there are two denim pockets on the inside too. Heaven!!! LOL!.
As you can tell I am very pleased with myself!!
I just took my purse organizer I had made from the last bag, and transferred everything to my new bag. This one will be with me for a long, long time! I hope!
      Also here are some of my bookmarks  I am making for Unique Treasures: There is water fabric on one side, with Manitoulin Island embroidered, and farm fabric on the other; denoting the two main areas on the island.
On some I just used Laurel Birch fishes on both sides. They are easy to make and give folks some little thing to take home with them.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Flower Show 2011

I had a very good day Wednesday! I entered a few flowers into the Assiginack Flower Show, and came home with 5 firsts,4 seconds, and 4 thirds. The theme was the royal wedding.  I am very pleased with the results for a newbie!
Here are a few photos of them:

This little china tea cup miniature is my favourite! The plant material was just at the perfect stage of development - yesterday! It came in first!
The roses were almost buds, so very tiny. And my lavender is huge this year. It came in first!
The cool spring and lots of rain were so good for the flowers in my garden. Not so good for the ladies veggie gardens, but heat has arrived for them too.


This one is a collection of the other entries - a lily, Bonica rose spray, lavender, impatiens, and a 4 spray perennial collection.
I also entered a large geranium pot with four plants (first) and a begonia (second).
My Elizabeth's came out from Estaire -Wanup to see the show, and brought me lunch! We also had a look at Unique Treasures. Then they went home after a very full day! What a jolly day!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

So that didn't last long! I was terminated yesterday - something about not working out - nothing personal!  I presume it was the cash register. Having never used one before, I found it challenging. Strange, as I love my computer, and manage a computerized sewing machine just fine. Must be the stressful situation - with customers and my boss watching, and expectations high!
Oh well, more time to spend  at home in this beautiful summer. It was  a very interesting experience anyway. I have never worked retail before, and realize it's not as easy as it looks! Met lots of nice people on holidays.
So today back to Unique Treasures. Manitowaning is having a dust up derby,so am hoping for some customers.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Just made some new clothes for work - and play. Here is a summer jacket I made out of sewing patterns fabric. It is cool and comfortable, and fun! Also a pink blouse that needs ironing, but just had to include it today.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

New job

Well have I got news for you! I am working at The Villager in Little Current. It's a  lovely gift shop with beautiful stuff. Here is a photo from my car as I sat having lunch in the shade of a big old tree.
I started last week - and are my legs sore@#$#@.

Hope they toughen up soon. I have ordered some new support hose -LOL! But the day goes by fast, and I have only bought one thing - catty earrings of course!  Here is one. The head is on the front, and the body at the back of my ear - fun eh?
As you can see I have my ears lowered today - all the way down!!! My request! 


Hope I can keep up the pace, as I would love to work the whole summer.
I am still putting in a day here and there at Unique Treasures in Manitowaning too. Busy girl!!!!
Hope all your summer dreams come true!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

WOW  That was a terrific day! Chuck and I went to Elliot Lake with our paintings and pots, and had them appraised by the Artiques Roadshow - yes Artiques. The weather was great - with fluffy clouds in a sunny sky, and everything looking lush and green from the cool spring. We sat by Elliot Lake with a gale blowing our hair almost straight back, and drank our coffee!
Dave ... told us most Canadian painters painted trees, rocks, water or snow. Just what our Michauds and Robert Ross had. So nothing artsy. And most of the old Dutch pottery from Chuck's Mom has cracks. So we now know what they would have been worth if they were whole! Too bad C stepped on one when he was a boy, because it would have been worth $500 if perfect!! BooHoo. But what fun it was to watch Dave look up things on Google, just to be sure. What a wonderful resource for them. No more carrying trunk loads of books wherever they go.
We had lunch at Timmy's, and dinner at Green Acres on the way home. Followed by a nice chat with Barb. So much for my first OAS cheque!! LOL.

Friday, June 10, 2011


A close-up of the fish blocks that came from our newsletter in April. I added googly eyes - they just seemed to fit.
I wanted the water to look real, so I used various blues - as mother nature would.

Will show it at the Hawberry Quilt Show Sept 17 & 18th. Come if you can!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Finally!!!! This is the Guild quilt from 2007-2008. It's called the Nautical Sampler. It is not exactly like the one in the newsletter, because I didn't keep up with the months, and my fabric just kept going to other projects, so I rearranged the blocks, and added and subtracted as I went along this month to complete it. i have orphan blocks left over, and I have made four fishes at the bottom from this year's block of the month( Thanks Lauren). The lighthouse is from the web, and the boathouse was a birdhouse i had kicking around going " find me a home"!  It turned out 40" square instead of the 50" of the Guild instructions. Now it's done for the Quilt Show in September!!
Oh and thanks to Rita my friend for the Frenchy yellow print. You will remember where it came from!! See you soon, Linda
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011


WOW was that molar in tight!!! I wondered why he gave me 5 - yes 5 needles to freeze the area. Now I know. It had been root canalled, and crowned many years ago, and I suppose the glue had to be excavated from the socket. Sorry to gross you out! I think I may even take some Ibuprofen for this one. Yikes.
Glad my dentist cares so much about his patients not being in pain. Thanks Brynn!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Unique Treasures Opening

Posted by PicasaWell my Lone Star quilt is back in the store. I hope it sells this year. Funny thing: I thought it was a double, but on measuring it again,  I found it to be 82"x101" - just a few inches narrower than a queen. So I have relabeled it "small queen" sized.
The walking sticks are made by our neighbour Scott, who did a lovely job on them.

This is our baby nook, with baby blankets, diaper holders, little quilts, and gift ideas for the newborn.

In the centre, we have Kathleen's child's sleeping bag, with a matching one for her dolly. On the wall a pair of twin quilts beautifully quilted by hand. There are burp cloths with matching baby bib, and cuddly friends to go to bed with. Lots of delightful little girls dresses - one has sold already!

  In the other room, there is a lovely old desk the holds purses, aprons, jewellery, and craft items. In the corner is our sale wall unit  - lots of good quality items that didn't sell last year ( who knows why!!!). You can pick up a terrific bargain here.

These are reusable sandwich bags, made by Jackie, that the child can bring to school and take home to go green. Also crayon holders to take on their trips and keep Mommy and Daddy
sane with something for them to do .

So we are looking forward to a good summer selling our treasures. It has been
a job to get the store painted, and all ready to reopen. Posters have been made, and we heard our first ad on the local radio station 107.1 the island.
It was so much fun to hear it - sounds like a super place to shop! So wish us luck, and if you can, come visit us - there is something for everyone!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Regina Grewe

This is the finished bunny for Easter that Regina Grewe of Germany gave out as "Spring Mystery". We received it in mixed pieces week by week until they were all there. I had no idea what it was, and was nicely surprised to see the rabbit appear from all the neutrals asked for. I chose a yellow background because I haven't seen the sun for so long and needed cheering up!
Next time I would make the bunnies legs darker to contrast more.
She is giving out another one at Hope you will try some from her.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Unique Treasures

 Some pictures from the painting session at our store. This is Lois in a rare quiet moment at lunch. The walls were wood pannelled and we painted them Mink slippers - LOL - strange names they give paint now!
What a huge difference it made. The rooms look twice as big as before, and fresh and new. Will be a  lovely backdrop to our hand made wares.
It will open this Friday! Yikes -hope we are finished by then. It was a big job.
And we still have to rearrange and put back all the furniture. And of course

put all merchandise out. Marg is so good at doing that, having had a store before. She just has the touch.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Well today I reached the grand age of 65!!! Egads I can hardly believe it!
But I am still upright and taking  (too much) nourishment -LOL. Always a good sign. 
Today we paint the store in Manitowning  as we open for business next w/e! It has come so fast. But every week goes by so fast now. Now I know what my mother was talking about when she said it many years ago. Time waits for no man. And it changes as you get older. I used to get so much more done in a day than I do now.
Chuck and I had a delicious Chinese dinner in Espanola yesterday to celebrate my birthday ( had to pick up glasses). It was so good. Especially when you don't have it very often. So off to the store for a work detail. Have a good day, Linda

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Today I finished the two costumes I made for the local theatre production of The Mikado to be shown this summer.
It should be a beautiful play, with lime greens, yellows, pinks, blues, and mauves.
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Thursday, April 28, 2011

What a sweet heart potato! :)
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Friday, April 22, 2011

Today my Lord died for me. Halleluhia!
I thank God everyday for my blessed life. I'm not rich, don't live in a mansion and don't have the nicest of material things, but, I'm healthy, have  a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food on my table, a family that loves me and lifelong friends to get me through. I'd say I have a lot to be thankful for, AMEN

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Snow in april

Now really!!!!!
8" of snow on our pic-nic table! Come on!
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Monday, April 18, 2011

Welcome our little singing group - Manitoulin Choristers, as our leader Marilyn calls us. We formed about two months ago, and have been rehearsing each Sunday since.
We had our debut performance at the two churches - St. Paul's and Knox United -  in our town on Palm Sunday. Apparently it went well. We had on black with a colourful scarf as our "costume". And after the super ladies at Knox gave us coffee and goodies. So welcoming!   Unfortunately the weather was not good, but a group of brave souls came out anyway.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Hi on this rainy day before Palm Sunday.
This is a rag bag I made for the store from a suggestion by a friend in my choir. She said every one came up to her and remarked on the one she has. So I thought i might make some to sell. It took a while so may be a one of!! LOL.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It's been a long time since I posted. I have been working!!! Sounds really funny at 64!
I had 4 days last week, and found it very challenging at first. But the folks there are very helpful and supportive. The first few days were spent getting used to a professional satin stitch machine - it goes like the wind! But lovely! Now that I have the bobbin loader, threading and slow mode figured out, I should be better appliqueing on the bag flaps.
I had a cat to applique - my favourite thing - with many little pieces, but it finally took shape - the best one yet.
I am also still working on my articles for the store. The bag is filling up with goodies to sell. I have already sold my Sachiko pillow to a neighbour - so made another one. And a friend in the choir I am in, asked me to make a denim apron the same as her favourite. That is done now, so I can get back to making more casserole carriers. There is never an end to sewing these days - wonderful!
Well have a good day - now that spring is finally here -the sun is shining today - must go have lunch with my friends at Green Acres restaurant and trailer park. It burned down last summer, and is finally up and running again. We are so glad to have it back. The food is great, and the atmosphere is friendly. And the roast beef - marvelous!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

New day

It's a new day for Linda - I got the job in  Mindemoya today! I will be appliqueing onto backpacks, starting Tuesday next. It is very exciting starting a new path at this late date. Gives me a boost.  But I will still be sewing for Unique Treasures as well.  Should be a very busy summer! Hope I can keep up with myself -LOL. Nighty night. L

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The finished Sachiko pillow. It has hand embroidered sections and the fabric I was brought from Japan. It is particularly nostalgic since the horror in Japan now.

I sold my Laurel Birch purse and sent the $ to Japan Red Cross fund.

A closer detail of the stitching. It uses a pattern to get the stitches even. I enjoyed doing it in the evenings. That is when i don't fall asleep.

Tomorrow is special day - I am going to a job interview for the first time in 40 years! It will be very interesting. Working on a professional satin stitch machine. hope I don't make to many mistakes!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Chuck and I were treated by our good friends to dinner ( we had taken care of their aging cat for two weeks while they were in Florida) and a concert of the most wonderful Celtic singers  doing Irish music in Mindemoya last Friday. The church of St. Francis of Assisi was packed with extra chairs placed in the isles. We were allowed to sing along, and the priest was included in the fun. He came out in his green surplus as St. Patrick chasing the snakes out of Ireland! What good music and joyful singing. He said he wished every Sunday was this busy.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

 Happy spring everyone!
At last the winter is loosening it's grip on the north.
Here is a pretty spring-like Yo-Yo pillow to brighten up the day. It has 36 yo-yo's on the front, and four charm squares on the back. The base is muslin, and it is stuffed with batting first, then fiber fill in the middle.

The back of same, with the 4 charm squares and the yo-yos coming around the edge.

Friday, March 11, 2011

What lousy weather! Snow blowing sideways and piling up on the deck. And our snow blower died the other day!
Luckily we have a guy in the subdivision who loves to blow snow ( for a fee) and he will help us out today.
We have to visit Sable - our neighbors' cat that we are taking care of while they vacation and take in doctor's appts. on the way back from Florida. It seems we have it worse on the Island as Bobby in Elliot Lake is just reporting some light snow.
But it is still better than Japan has received today isn't it? poor people!  Hasn't the weather been horrible lately for so many countries? We are very lucky to live here in Canada.
 My friend that was coming for a visit has canceled for this week - smart girl! So I will get back to my sewing. I have finished the binding on the latest charity quilt. I did a turn over (as instructed) and used a decorative stitch on the edge. It looks good, and will be stronger with the extra thread.

Well have a good day, and keep warm inside! L

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Isn't this the cutest thing? There were two raccoons entwined in our tree the other day trying to keep warm. When we went to bed they were still up there huddled together, but by morning they had gone.
Since we started recycling we have not had much trouble with them getting into our garbage. I am so glad our community can recycle now!

I am working on a Sashiko pillow in navy and light blue-gray. I just have to get (or make) some piping for the edge and buy a pillow form for it.
We were going to Sudbury yesterday, but postponed it until Monday because of the weather.
So my pillow will have to wait . The fabric was brought to me by a friend when she traveled to Japan last fall.
What lousy weather today.
Another friend was coming up from down south, but had to cancel also. March is the cruelest month!
But after comes spring! Yay. My favourite time of year.
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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Harry's bed and Casserole Carrier

Just had to show you this cute picture of Harry. I bought a new bed and none of the four cats we have slept in it (they thought it was a snake!) until I put it on the dining room table! We rarely eat there, so it isn't much of a problem. And it is soooooo cute to see him curled up in it. Of course the biggest cat has to fit in the smallest bed - go figure!LOL.

And I almost finished my new project for our little store - a casserole carrier. I just have to buy snaps and attach them in the appropriate places and it will be ready to go. The fabric looks a little dark, but I wanted it to be strong, so I chose upholstery fabric and muslin.

The carrier open. When it is finished the white pieces will wrap over the dish and snap in place.
This was taken in my sewing room (AKA bedroom).

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011

This is my latest leaf bowl - one I plan to keep for myself. The Koala fabric was given to me by a dear friend who visited her family in Australia, and brought back a little piece as a souvenir for her sewing buddies. I didn't know what to do with it until I received this pattern for CQA leaves. I fussy cut it so the mommy bear was in the middle surrounded by her family - LOL. Have a good day.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

More place mats! The theme is birds in the garden. The middle is the birds surrounded by green grass and flower gardens on two sides. Then the brown is the fence (or the trees) around this garden.
I got the pattern from the web Isn't Google wonderful?
  I have started to make items for our store. We will open May 24 w/e. We have a new sign, all new items, and hope to have a good year again.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Myrna's quilt

Hooray!!! The quilt is done!! I did not make the top - just quilted it by hand over the last three months. And I am  happy with the results too. Here it is:    First is an overall; second is the quilting of the side triangles, and the third is s close-up of the fuchsia block.