Wednesday, May 25, 2011


WOW was that molar in tight!!! I wondered why he gave me 5 - yes 5 needles to freeze the area. Now I know. It had been root canalled, and crowned many years ago, and I suppose the glue had to be excavated from the socket. Sorry to gross you out! I think I may even take some Ibuprofen for this one. Yikes.
Glad my dentist cares so much about his patients not being in pain. Thanks Brynn!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Unique Treasures Opening

Posted by PicasaWell my Lone Star quilt is back in the store. I hope it sells this year. Funny thing: I thought it was a double, but on measuring it again,  I found it to be 82"x101" - just a few inches narrower than a queen. So I have relabeled it "small queen" sized.
The walking sticks are made by our neighbour Scott, who did a lovely job on them.

This is our baby nook, with baby blankets, diaper holders, little quilts, and gift ideas for the newborn.

In the centre, we have Kathleen's child's sleeping bag, with a matching one for her dolly. On the wall a pair of twin quilts beautifully quilted by hand. There are burp cloths with matching baby bib, and cuddly friends to go to bed with. Lots of delightful little girls dresses - one has sold already!

  In the other room, there is a lovely old desk the holds purses, aprons, jewellery, and craft items. In the corner is our sale wall unit  - lots of good quality items that didn't sell last year ( who knows why!!!). You can pick up a terrific bargain here.

These are reusable sandwich bags, made by Jackie, that the child can bring to school and take home to go green. Also crayon holders to take on their trips and keep Mommy and Daddy
sane with something for them to do .

So we are looking forward to a good summer selling our treasures. It has been
a job to get the store painted, and all ready to reopen. Posters have been made, and we heard our first ad on the local radio station 107.1 the island.
It was so much fun to hear it - sounds like a super place to shop! So wish us luck, and if you can, come visit us - there is something for everyone!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Regina Grewe

This is the finished bunny for Easter that Regina Grewe of Germany gave out as "Spring Mystery". We received it in mixed pieces week by week until they were all there. I had no idea what it was, and was nicely surprised to see the rabbit appear from all the neutrals asked for. I chose a yellow background because I haven't seen the sun for so long and needed cheering up!
Next time I would make the bunnies legs darker to contrast more.
She is giving out another one at Hope you will try some from her.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Unique Treasures

 Some pictures from the painting session at our store. This is Lois in a rare quiet moment at lunch. The walls were wood pannelled and we painted them Mink slippers - LOL - strange names they give paint now!
What a huge difference it made. The rooms look twice as big as before, and fresh and new. Will be a  lovely backdrop to our hand made wares.
It will open this Friday! Yikes -hope we are finished by then. It was a big job.
And we still have to rearrange and put back all the furniture. And of course

put all merchandise out. Marg is so good at doing that, having had a store before. She just has the touch.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Well today I reached the grand age of 65!!! Egads I can hardly believe it!
But I am still upright and taking  (too much) nourishment -LOL. Always a good sign. 
Today we paint the store in Manitowning  as we open for business next w/e! It has come so fast. But every week goes by so fast now. Now I know what my mother was talking about when she said it many years ago. Time waits for no man. And it changes as you get older. I used to get so much more done in a day than I do now.
Chuck and I had a delicious Chinese dinner in Espanola yesterday to celebrate my birthday ( had to pick up glasses). It was so good. Especially when you don't have it very often. So off to the store for a work detail. Have a good day, Linda

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Today I finished the two costumes I made for the local theatre production of The Mikado to be shown this summer.
It should be a beautiful play, with lime greens, yellows, pinks, blues, and mauves.
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